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Kitchen Tips and Hints – Part 1
Friday, August 18, 2023 9:47 AM
Photo by Conscious Design on
It has come to my attention that less and less people are cooking home-cooked meals or cooking at home in general. This is unfortunate because there is no way you can tell what you are eating when you eat out of buy ready-prepared meals. The food industry has had to ensure the food they manufacture will last on shelves. This led them to have to add a lot of chemicals to preserve the food and also alter the nutritional value by removing parts of the food that would make the food waste faster. Restaurants do not have to disclose when is in the food they prepare therefore they do use the most affordable and easiest to conserve ingredients.
I know that for myself, if I eat out a lot, I start to feel it on how I feel. I feel tired after I eat, I feel that I don’t digest the food as well also.
I recommend you purchase the book “Nourishing Traditions” by Sally Fallon for traditional recipes and tips on how to prepare foods that are the most nutritious.
Here is a section from the book.
Kitchen Tips and Hints – Part 1
1. Remove insects from organic or homegrown Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, artichokes, etc., soak thirty minutes in water in which 2 tablespoons of salt and vinegar have been added. Rinse well and proceed with cooking.
2. Wash all fruits and vegetables to remove pesticides and other impurities in Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds, hydrogen peroxide or plain Clorox bleach (1 teaspoon per gallon). Soak for about 10 minutes and then rinse well.
3. To ripen tomatoes, peaches, and other thin-skinned fruits, set them well separated in a sunny spot on a tray lined with paper towels. When soft enough, transfer to refrigerator.
4. Do not add garlic to sauteing onions or other vegetables, because it tends to burn. Add garlic after you have added your liquid or stock, wine, stir-fry sauce, tomatoes, etc.
5. Always use unsalted butter. Those who like their butter salty can sprinkle sea salt on it later.
6. Use only unrefined salt, preferably Celtic Sea salt.
7. Use extra virgin olive oil and butter for cooking. Occasional use of peanut oil for stir-frying is permissible. Use lark or duck fat for stove-top potato frying.