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Using Observation to Better Asses Physical Health! Eyes

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 10:38 AM

Another Post by Jocelyne Gross NTP A.C.N. 
Photo by Marina Vitale on 


Eyes are the most important part of visual assessment. Provides information about the nervous system. Injury to the brain or nervous system will be seen in the eyes. 

Eyes requires eight time more oxygen than other body cells. Brain requires thirty time more. When the brain is receiving less oxygen, eyes will respond (eyes get heavy, unable to concentrate, sleepiness ensues). 
Irritated eyes and/or blurry vision – may indicate too much screen time. Take regular breaks to rest your eyes. Install anti-glare filters. Change the position of the monitor. Ensure enough light. 
Sanpaku (iris is either lower in the eye or higher revealing a third white) – Indication of a severe imbalance in the nervous system. 
Yin Sanpaku (white shows below the iris) – Common with drug addicts or high consumption of sugar, refined grains, or alcohol.
Yang Sanpaku (white shows above the iris) – sign of emotional imbalance and manic. May be a mineral deficiency. 
Drifting Eye (drifting to the left) – may indicate an excess of refined carbohydrates, alcohol, grains, or drugs/medication. 
Arcus Senilis (grey ring around the outside of the iris) – caused by fat deposits around the edge of the cornea. Goes hand in hand with elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. Most common over 60. Consider Chol-Aid, Cholaplex.
Cataract (appears as a cloud or cover over the lens of the eye, vision is cloudy, distorted or faded) – most common in older age. Can occur from trauma or radiation exposure. Correlation has been noted with Vitamin C deficiency (supplementation with ascorbic acid however did not prove beneficial. Need a whole food Vitamin C as with Standard Process). Risk factors include; Diabetes, smoking, alcohol, prolonged exposure to sunlight. 
Stye – Caused by inflammation or infection of an eyelash follicle or gland along the eyelid edge. Common pathogen is staphylococcus. Avoid using make up while stye is present. Discard any make up that encountered the infected areas. Warm compresses can help relieve discomfort. Consider Echinacea Premium, Andrographis Complex. 
Exophthalmos (bulging of the eye anteriorly out of the eye socket. Can be in one or both eyes) -One eye may be orbital tumor. Both eyes indicate Grave’s disease. Provide autoimmune support, address stealth infections, Bugleweed to slow down the thyroid, support the gut, remove problematic foods. 
Eye bags – can be swollen or dark – correlated with the kidneys.
Dark circles – often associated with anemia, fatigue, allergies, nasal congestion, edema, parasites, hereditary factors. 
Under-eye Edema – may indicate impaired kidney or adrenal function. Consider AC Carbamide to help resolve excess fluid. Can be related to thyroid dysfunction as well. Important to find the underlying cause.  Support with food including asparagus, black cherries, cranberries, kidney beans and animal kidney. 
Edema above the Eyes – thought to be correlated with the lungs. May have Vitamin A and C deficiency. Cod liver oil is a good course of A and D. Support normal fluid balance using diuretics like AC Carbamide, Dandelion leaf, and parsley. 
General support for eye health;  
• Bilberry 
• Oculotrophin PMG 
• Iplex 
• Vitanox (for antioxidant support) 
• Ginkgo Biloba 
• Gotu Kola Complex
